Dear Lay Minister:
Our Parish is extremely fortunate to enjoy such widespread lay leadership in our worship services. This greatly enriches our time together on Sundays.
Whether you are just starting to learn a ministry or would like to renew your participation for another season, please know that we appreciate you interest and willingness to serve. Thank you for your service.
For information on the responsibilities for these roles, please click on the links below.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Michelle Robertshaw
Our Parish is extremely fortunate to enjoy such widespread lay leadership in our worship services. This greatly enriches our time together on Sundays.
Whether you are just starting to learn a ministry or would like to renew your participation for another season, please know that we appreciate you interest and willingness to serve. Thank you for your service.
For information on the responsibilities for these roles, please click on the links below.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Michelle Robertshaw
Worship Ministries
St. Andrew's invites you to participate in the following ministries:
If you have not already signed up for a ministry, please contact the Parish Administrator at (941) 964-2257, ext. 2 or click on the button below and enter your service preferences. Altar Flowers: If you would like to donate flowers (in thanksgiving or memory of loved ones), the Altar Flower book is located in the narthex. The dates are listed for each Sunday. Please fill-in the desired date with your name and telephone number. Note: There is an option to donate both flower arrangements or to share the Sunday with another parishioner. Pam, our Parish Administrator, will then call you with further information and details. |