What is Stewardship?
Financial Stewardship is an important component of a balanced spiritual life; it is not just about money. It about returning to God from that which God has given. It's about mission and ministry. Stewardship is a tangible and meaningful way to express our faith. God blesses people through the blessings of people.
What is a Stewardship Pledge?
Your stewardship pledge enables the parish to minister to the pastoral and spiritual needs of all who come through our doors, offer worship and music, pay our clergy and staff, and engage the wider community through formation, education, and outreach. Your pledge also guides and empowers the vestry so they may plan wisely for the short and longer term, and to know the amount of predictable funds available to maintain a responsible budget and plan for strategic growth. A member's pledge is a one-year financial commitment to support the ministry within our congregation, to the Boca Grande/Englewood community and to the world.
Join other parishioners in making a pledge to support the mission and ministry of St. Andrew's.
How are Pledge Donations Paid?
Members fulfill their pledge in the manner that best meets their circumstances. One may give weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually via cash, checks, automatic bank withdrawal, or on our website using a credit card. Pledges may also be paid with securities. Should a member’s circumstances change, the pledge can be increased or decreased. To complete a pledge form, simply click on the button above marked "pledge form."
The Stewardship Campaign or Annual Appeal is undertaken every fall, but new gifts and pledges are welcome at any time.