Worship Ministries
This is an overview of each of the ministries that support the worship services at St. Andrew’s, all of which are open to both men and women. Please see our Worship Ministry Handbook for descriptions of the specific duties of each.
Greeters stand near the front door before worship services to welcome each person to our beautiful sanctuary. They greet everyone with a smile and a handshake, wanting to make each person entering the church feel special and welcomed. In addition, they help with name tags for both the church members and for newcomers, following up with a permanent name tag request if applicable. They also serve as an informal “welcoming committee” at the Coffee Hour following the service, ensuring that newcomers in particular will be noticed, greeted, and engaged in conversation.
Ushers perform a number of important tasks before, during, and after our worship services. Some of these responsibilities include: preparing the church by turning on lights and fans; ensuring that bulletins are in place and nametags are set out; lighting the altar candles before the service and extinguishing them at the end of the service; distributing the day’s service bulletin; leading the procession of choir and clergy as Crucifer (carrying the cross); counting all in attendance so the celebrant can prepare the appropriate amount of bread and wine for the Eucharist; passing the offertory plates and presenting them at the altar; guiding the congregation to the communion rail; helping to tidy the sanctuary at the end of the service by replacing books and picking up items left behind. Ushers work together in rotating teams to accomplish the many small tasks that help the worship services to run smoothly.
Lectors (Readers, Lay Readers)
Lectors read the day’s appointed Scriptures from the lectern at the front of the church and lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Lectors are those who enjoy reading aloud, and who are committed to practicing their assigned readings ahead of time in order to read clearly, confidently, and correctly (some of those Old Testament names can be tricky!).
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers are specially trained and licensed to assist the priest by administering the chalice of wine to members of the congregation during the Eucharist.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of lay volunteers (men and women) who work “behind the scenes,” caring for the physical elements of our worship – the altar, altar linens, vestments, and vessels. They prepare the sanctuary for worship, then clean the vessels and tidy the sacristy after the service is over.
The choir is comprised of volunteers who like to sing, are eager to learn new music, and enjoy helping to lead the congregation in hymns and service music. Led by the Organist/Choirmaster, the choir sings at the 9:30 service during the months of November and December, and at the 10:00 service from January through April. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:30 to prepare music for the upcoming month of services; choir members are expected to attend rehearsals and services as regularly as possible.
Coffee Hour
Volunteers are needed to bring food for Sunday morning coffee hour. There is a sign-up sheet located in the narthex or alternately you may contact the church office at 941-964-2257 ext. 2 and let Pam know. All that is required is to bring your food to the Chapter House before the service and our Coffee Hour Host, Andi, will handle things from there.
This is an overview of each of the ministries that support the worship services at St. Andrew’s, all of which are open to both men and women. Please see our Worship Ministry Handbook for descriptions of the specific duties of each.
Greeters stand near the front door before worship services to welcome each person to our beautiful sanctuary. They greet everyone with a smile and a handshake, wanting to make each person entering the church feel special and welcomed. In addition, they help with name tags for both the church members and for newcomers, following up with a permanent name tag request if applicable. They also serve as an informal “welcoming committee” at the Coffee Hour following the service, ensuring that newcomers in particular will be noticed, greeted, and engaged in conversation.
Ushers perform a number of important tasks before, during, and after our worship services. Some of these responsibilities include: preparing the church by turning on lights and fans; ensuring that bulletins are in place and nametags are set out; lighting the altar candles before the service and extinguishing them at the end of the service; distributing the day’s service bulletin; leading the procession of choir and clergy as Crucifer (carrying the cross); counting all in attendance so the celebrant can prepare the appropriate amount of bread and wine for the Eucharist; passing the offertory plates and presenting them at the altar; guiding the congregation to the communion rail; helping to tidy the sanctuary at the end of the service by replacing books and picking up items left behind. Ushers work together in rotating teams to accomplish the many small tasks that help the worship services to run smoothly.
Lectors (Readers, Lay Readers)
Lectors read the day’s appointed Scriptures from the lectern at the front of the church and lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Lectors are those who enjoy reading aloud, and who are committed to practicing their assigned readings ahead of time in order to read clearly, confidently, and correctly (some of those Old Testament names can be tricky!).
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers are specially trained and licensed to assist the priest by administering the chalice of wine to members of the congregation during the Eucharist.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of lay volunteers (men and women) who work “behind the scenes,” caring for the physical elements of our worship – the altar, altar linens, vestments, and vessels. They prepare the sanctuary for worship, then clean the vessels and tidy the sacristy after the service is over.
The choir is comprised of volunteers who like to sing, are eager to learn new music, and enjoy helping to lead the congregation in hymns and service music. Led by the Organist/Choirmaster, the choir sings at the 9:30 service during the months of November and December, and at the 10:00 service from January through April. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:30 to prepare music for the upcoming month of services; choir members are expected to attend rehearsals and services as regularly as possible.
Coffee Hour
Volunteers are needed to bring food for Sunday morning coffee hour. There is a sign-up sheet located in the narthex or alternately you may contact the church office at 941-964-2257 ext. 2 and let Pam know. All that is required is to bring your food to the Chapter House before the service and our Coffee Hour Host, Andi, will handle things from there.