Outreach Overview
St. Andrew’s helps to support a number of ministries locally, nationally and internationally through our outreach programs. The priorities of our Outreach, identified by our Parish, are: Feeding the hungry Providing shelter and support for families and children Medical care and assistance to those in need Education and mentoring Our Commitment is to make a difference. The Outreach Committee at St. Andrew’s is committed to employing the time, talents and treasure of the church community by thoughtfully distributing the funds allocated for outreach and by exploring opportunities for our members to become involved in service to those in need. In some cases, our work involves financially supporting worthy efforts by nonprofit organizations and in other cases, we contribute our time with hands-on service. We support the following organizations: Boys & Girls Club of Englewood • Charlotte County Homeless Coalition • Diocesan Youth Summer Camp - Dayspring • Habitat for Humanity - Apostle’s Build • Hope for Haiti • Seminary Education Assistance • Senior Friendship Center • S.O.L.V.E. Maternity Homes See Below for more information about how to become involved. |
Ways to Be Involved
RED BAG MINISTRY Our Red Bag ministry is a major way that our members can be involved. Each month from November through April, specially designed reusable shopping bags are distributed to parishioners with instructions to fill them with items that will assist programs identified by the committee. These have included food for those in need distributed at a local pantry, art supplies for the Boys and Girls Club and items that are used to fill holiday boxes sent to members of the military serving in war-torn areas of the world. Please look for the Red Bags in the Narthex and, if the Spirit moves you, take one and return it with your contributions.
Each year, St. Andrew’s joins with churches throughout the area to construct a home, usually in the Port Charlotte area, that will serve a low-income family. This involves soliciting volunteers to help in one of the various stages of construction as well as to participate in the home’s dedication. |
Other Organizations to Which We Provide Financial Support
In the current budget year, we also have contributed financially to the following organizations and programs:
Food for the Poor (Hope for Haiti) - This effort involves building homes for families experiencing abject poverty in one of the world’s poorest countries.
SOLVE Maternity Homes - Our contributions have been earmarked for SOLVE’s Evolve program in Englewood that assists new mothers in need to get back on their feet, provide for their children and complete their education or job training.
Englewood Boys and Girls Club - Most recently, our funds have helped to provide computers and technical support as well as employing an art teacher to help with after-school programs. A Red Bag collection provided donated art supplies and efforts to solicit volunteers for one-on-one mentoring are ongoing.
Dayspring Summer Camp - We have funded scholarships so that children in the Diocese of Southwest Florida, for whom the cost would be a barrier, are able to attend camp and receive spiritual support to enrich their lives.
Food for the Poor (Hope for Haiti) - This effort involves building homes for families experiencing abject poverty in one of the world’s poorest countries.
SOLVE Maternity Homes - Our contributions have been earmarked for SOLVE’s Evolve program in Englewood that assists new mothers in need to get back on their feet, provide for their children and complete their education or job training.
Englewood Boys and Girls Club - Most recently, our funds have helped to provide computers and technical support as well as employing an art teacher to help with after-school programs. A Red Bag collection provided donated art supplies and efforts to solicit volunteers for one-on-one mentoring are ongoing.
Dayspring Summer Camp - We have funded scholarships so that children in the Diocese of Southwest Florida, for whom the cost would be a barrier, are able to attend camp and receive spiritual support to enrich their lives.